November 21, 2019

CAA National Drone Registration: How to Register Drone in the UK

What is the CAA National Drone Registration Scheme?

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), on November 5, 2019, has introduced a new National Drone Registration Scheme for drone users in the UK. Children and adults who want to fly a drone will now have to take the test to prove that they can do it legally and safely. The registration will become mandatory from November 30, 2019.

Why Do You Need to Register Your Drone?

There were growing concerns over safety after the increasing use of personal as well as commercial drones. Many airports, including Heathrow, had to suspend flights for several hours due to drone activity this year.

In December 2018, sightings caused 1000 flights to be reverted or canceled over 36 hours, affecting more than 140,000 passengers in the run-up to Christmas.

According to UK Airprox Board figures, in 2018, there were 125 near-misses between drones and aircraft reported. This number was 93 the previous year.

Because of all these incidents, CAA introduced a new law to regulate drone users as well as ensure the safety of people.


Who Needs to Register?

This scheme applies to anyone having a drone or unnamed aircraft such as a model plane weighing from 250g to 20kg.

Does the CAA National Law Include Both Commercial & Non-Commercial Drone Owners?

Yes. The UK Drone Registration Law includes all the professional as well as non-commercial drone users. You’ll have to pass an online test to make sure you are eligible to fly a drone.

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What is the Registration Process for CAA Drone Scheme?

If you are a drone user, visit to register your drone.

When you register, you’ll get an Operator ID with your certificate of registration. You must display this ID on your drone and model aircraft. Remember, you can use the same operator ID for all your drones and model aircraft.

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Your Operator ID must be:

  • Clear and in block capitals
  • Safe from any kind of damage
  • Displayed on the main body of the craft
  • Easy to read when a drone is on the ground

How Long Does It Take to Complete the Registration?

It takes around 20-30 minutes to complete the registration process depending on how much you need to learn and how much you already know. It covers the basics such as safety, privacy, and also some information on airspace.

What is Included in the Online Test?

The online test has 20 multiple choice questions and the passing marks are 16. You can take the test as many times as needed. The new Drone and Aircraft Model holds all the knowledge you need to pass the test.

Once you pass the test, you’ll get a flyer ID which will show your competency as a remote pilot from CAA.

The education package is free and you would need to do it every 3 years.

What is the Minimum Age for the Test?

There is an age limit of 18 for drone registration or to get Operator ID. Children under 13 will need a parent or other adult to register on their behalf and take legal responsibility.

How Much Does the CAA License Cost?

The process will cost £9 and you'll have to renew the license every year.

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What Will Happen If You Don’t Register or Take the Test?

The deadline for registering your drone with CAA is November 30, 2019. As of December 1, 2019, anyone flying a drone without registration or without passing the test will be considered breaking the law. The maximum fine is £2,000.

How Will CAA National Drone Registration Scheme Help People in the Future?

The National Drone Scheme is a very helpful initiative to regulate the use of drones and unnamed crafts. The CAA's new platform will also help in returning lost drones to their owners. In case of losing a drone, you are advised to post their details on the Drones Reunited platform while anyone who finds one is encouraged to check if the drone has a registration number and enter the details online.

Wrap Up

This was all about the new CAA law for registering drones in the UK. If you have any queries related to this topic, feel free to contact HeliDrone Surveys. You may also ask your questions in the comments.

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